5 Things You Need To Build A Greenhouse

If you are building your own greenhouse, these products are a must-have!
When you think of a greenhouse, you think of the plastic grow film, and that's probably it. There are several pieces of hardware that are vital, other than the film. Whether you are planning on buying a DIY Greenhouse Kit or all the parts separately, knowing what you need is one of the most important parts of starting construction.
Our Top Greenhouse Parts, Pieces, and Hardware Components:
- Self-Tapping TEK Screws: Every greenhouse that is comprised of a metal framework will require self-tapping TEK Screws. These screws will make it easy to directly screw into the metal, essentially making it possible to connect metal to metal.
- Brace Bands: The brace bands are small but important greenhouse hardware. These are going to be used to attach a top rail to a post/frame, which makes it essential to building any greenhouse frame.
- Cross Connectors: Greenhouse cross connectors, also known as purlin brackets, are possibly the most common hardware piece used to build a greenhouse. They allow you to secure connections to be made where the hoop and purlin make contact. One of the biggest benefits of a greenhouse cross connector is the ability to install it without a drill.
- Greenhouse Plugs: Even though these are the smallest of the items listed, they are the mightiest. Being able to plug the holes in your pipes will not only protect your tubing from the environment but also provide safety and aesthetic value to your greenhouse.
- Covering Attachments: No matter if you are in the marketing for a small or commercial size greenhouse, you need to be able to connect the film to the metal framework. Our channel and wire attachments can hold films, shade clothes, or other various materials for your greenhouse.